Sunday, September 11, 2022

Python Program to Count Occurrences of Each Character in a String

In this post we’ll see how to write a Python program to count occurrences of each character or to count frequency of character in a String.

1. If you have to write the Python program to count frequency of each character without using any String method then you can write it using an outer and inner for loop. In the outer loop take the character at index 0 and in the inner loop check if such character is found again in the string, if yes then increment count.

replace() method of the str class is used to remove all the occurrences of the character for which count is done so that same character is not picked again.

def count_char(text):
  for i in range(len(text)):
    if len(text) == 0:
    ch = text[0]
    # don't count frequency of spaces
    if ch == ' ' or ch == '\t':
    count = 1
    for j in range(1, len(text)):
      if ch == text[j]:
        count += 1
    # replace all other occurrences of the character
    # whose count is done, strip() is required for 
    # scenario where first char is replaced and there is 
    # space after that
    text = text.replace(ch, '').strip()
    print(ch + " - ", count)

count_char('netjs blog for Python')


n -  2
e -  1
t -  2
j -  1
s -  1
b -  1
l -  1
o -  3
g -  1
f -  1
r -  1
P -  1
y -  1
h -  1

2. You can use count() method in Python which is used to count the number of occurrences of a specific substring.

def count_char(text):
  for i in range(len(text)):
    if len(text) == 0:
    ch = text[0]
    if ch == ' ' or ch == '\t':
    print(ch + " - ", text.count(ch))
    text = text.replace(ch, '').strip()

count_char('netjs java spring python')


n -  3
e -  1
t -  2
j -  2
s -  2
a -  2
v -  1
p -  2
r -  1
i -  1
g -  1
y -  1
h -  1
o -  1

3. You can also use Dictionary to count occurrences of each character in the String. Character is stored as a key in dictionary and for each character it is checked if that character already exists as a key in dictionary or not. If it exists then increment the value associated with that key by 1, if such a key doesn’t exist then add it to the dictionary with value as 1.

def count_char(text):
  count = {}
  for ch in text:
    # don't count frequency of spaces
    if ch == ' ' or ch == '\t':
    # If char already in dictionary increment count
    # otherwise add char as key and 1 as value
    if ch in count:
      count[ch] += 1
      count[ch] = 1
    for k, v in count.items():
      print('Charcater {} occurs {} times'.format(k,v))

count_char('netjs java spring python')


Charcater n occurs 3 times
Charcater e occurs 1 times
Charcater t occurs 2 times
Charcater j occurs 2 times
Charcater s occurs 2 times
Charcater a occurs 2 times
Charcater v occurs 1 times
Charcater p occurs 2 times
Charcater r occurs 1 times
Charcater i occurs 1 times
Charcater g occurs 1 times
Charcater y occurs 1 times
Charcater h occurs 1 times
Charcater o occurs 1 times

That's all for this topic Python Program to Count Occurrences of Each Character in a String. If you have any doubt or any suggestions to make please drop a comment. Thanks!

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