Friday, May 17, 2024

@FunctionalInterface Annotation in Java

In the post Functional Interfaces in Java we have already seen that functional interfaces are those interfaces that have only one abstract method. Java 8 also introduced an annotation @FunctionalInterface to be used with functional interfaces. Annotating an interface with @FunctionalInterface in Java indicates that an interface type declaration is intended to be a functional interface.

It is not mandatory to mark functional interface with @FunctionalInterface annotation, it is more of a best practice to do that and also gives a surety that no other abstract method will be added accidentally to the functional interface. It will result in a compile time error if any other abstract method is added to a functional interface which is annotated with @FunctionalInterface annotation.

Let's see it with some examples what is permitted and what is not with @FunctionalInterface annotation in Java.
First there is an example of a valid functional interface that is annotated with @FunctionalInterface-

public interface IMyFuncInterface {
  public void getValue();

In an interface annotated with @FunctionalInterface, if more than one abstract method is defined it results in compile time error.

public interface IMyFuncInterface {
  public void getValue();
  // Second abstract method so compiler error
  public void setValue();

Note that in Java 8 default methods and static methods are also added in interface which means interface can have a method with default implementation and static methods in Java 8. In a functional interface there may be one or more default methods/static methods but there should be only one abstract method. It is ok to have a functional interface like following.

public interface IMyFuncInterface {
  int func(int num1, int num2);
  // default method
  default int getValue(){
    return 0;

A functional interface can specify Object class public methods too in addition to the abstract method. That interface will still be a valid functional interface. The public Object methods are considered implicit members of a functional interface as they are automatically implemented by an instance of functional interface.

As example- This is a valid functional interface

interface IFuncInt {
  int func(int num1, int num2);
  // default method
  default int getValue(){
    return 0;
  public String toString();
  public boolean equals(Object o);

That's all for this topic @FunctionalInterface Annotation in Java. If you have any doubt or any suggestions to make please drop a comment. Thanks!

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  1. Hi Anshudeep, the only difference between abstract and public methods in FunctionalInterface is access specifier?

    1. Looks like you have some confusion here in an interface all methods are by default public. The interface body can contain abstract methods, default methods, and static methods. All abstract, default, and static methods in an interface are implicitly public, in fact you can omit the public modifier altogether if you want.
